NeuFit Neubie - Pain Reduction

⚡️An advanced understanding of pain is necessary to help overcome it. Pain doesn’s happen to you, your body creates it to protect you. Pain is really just your nervous system’s response to a perceived threat …⚡️

Threats can be caused by a wide variety of injuries. Imagine stubbing your toe. As a result of the trauma your body feels threatened, thereby producing pain and the alteration of your movement strategies to protect itself. You now start walking on the outside of your foot. Unfortunetely, your body can sometimes overreact, and the level of pain exceeds the relative severity of the injuryt. Your nervous system may even continue producing pain after the body has healed! If the movement strategy your body has implemented to protect itself is not corrected - walking on the outside of your foot - further dysfunction and A NEW THREAT can be created, leading to new foot pain and possibly knee pain and even hip discomfort!

NeuFit technology communicates directly with your nervous system to reduce excessive compensatory gaurding and inflammation, therefore reducing the threat and decreasing pain. This same threat reduction strategy offers similar results treating other ailments like low back pain, neck pain and knee pain. Reduce the threat = accelerated recovery time and improved performance. Win:Win